Travel, compete and have fun with AmeropaGolf !

Welcome to Ameropa Golf and Trips

Ameropa Golf and Trips is a company whose philosophy is the right analytical thinking, strategies, creativity and technology in the world of Golf Tournaments, Packages, Stays and Tourist Destinations. Every day we combine exceptional design skills, superior project management capabilities with a global vision to provide you with the unique experience you are looking for at the best golf courses and tournaments in the world. We have many resources and strategic alliances that allow us to structure an event to meet your needs in record time.


Tournament Services

At ameropa golf in Dominican Republic , we have been organizing golf tournaments since 1996, with more than 300 events done. We provide live scoring sistems , on course publicity and catering, welcome kit supplies and technical direction.

30 Years of experience accumulated by our team of professionals

We are a recognized company in organizing golf tournaments, we have worked with the most important brands in the country getting the best prices in the market, due to our specialization. We communicate the events through mailings to golfers database and we have an important investment in advertising and social networks. We are passionate golfers and we know the needs of the players.